Search Results
MT2013-31:Allogeneic Hematopoietic Cell Transplantation for Inherited Metabolic Disorders and Severe Osteopetrosis following Conditioning with Busulfan (Therapeutic Drug Monitoring), Fludarabine +/- ATG
The purpose of this study is to determine the safety and effectiveness of allogeneic hematopoietic cell transplant in persons with an inherited metabolic disorder or osteopetrosis and if it is effective in reducing or slowing the symptoms associated with the genetic error. The study uses a chemotherapy conditioning regimen that prepares the body to accept the donor hematopoietic cells.
• up to 55 years old
• diagnosis of an Inherited Metabolic Disorders (IMD)
• see link to clinicaltrials.gov for complete Inclusion and Exclusion criteria
• uncontrolled bacterial, fungal or viral infections including HIV
• women who are pregnant
Understanding modifiable barriers to treatment adherence in youth with type 2 diabetes to inform intervention development
This study will seek to learn about barriers to management of Type 2 diabetes for children ages 10-17. This study is recruiting children, and their parent/guardian, who are managing with oral medication or insulin.
• 10 to 17 years old
• confirmed diagnosis of type 2 diabetes
• prescribed pharmacologic therapy for treatment of type 2 diabetes (oral medication or insulin)
• live with a parent/caregiver at least 50% of the time who is willing to participate in the study
• able to read and speak English
• the parent/caregiver must be the adult who spends the largest proportion of time caring for the child (or at least 50%) & able to speak and read English
• diagnosis of type 1 or monogenic diabetes
• evidence of significant cognitive deficits or a severe, persistent psychiatric disorder
JAK Inhibitors to Preserve C-Peptide Production in New Onset T1D: A Phase 2 Multi-Center, Randomized, Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled Study to Evaluate the Safety and Efficacy of Subtype-Selective JAK Inhibitors for Preservation of Pancreatic Cell Function in Newly Diagnosed Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus
This is a new type 1 diabetes onset study for ages 12-35 years old. We are looking at JAK inhibitor drugs to see if they can preserve beta cell function.
• age 12-35 years (inclusive)
• diagnosis of T1D within 100 days of first study visit
• positive for at least one islet cell autoantibody
• HbA1c no more than 10 %
• body weight at least 35kg (77 pounds)
• willing to comply with intensive diabetes management and wear a Continuous Glucose Monitoring Device (CGM)
• up to date on recommended immunizations (including flu and COVID-19)
• willing to use highly effective contraception for 3 months after the last dose of study medication
• current use of a medication that affects glucose control
• treatment with other immunosuppressive agents (including biologics or steroids), other than inhaled or topical glucocorticoids
• current history of infection (HIV, Hepatitis B, TB, herpes etc.)
• current or past use of tobacco or nicotine containing products more than the equivalent of 5 cigarettes per day
• current or past medical or mental health conditions (study staff will review)
• women who are pregnant, breast feeding, or planning to become pregnant
MT2021-29: Evaluation of intravenous laronidase pharmacokinetics before and after hematopoietic cell transplantation in patients with mucopolysaccharidosis type IH
In this study, the researchers are collecting blood samples to learn more about laronidase treatment in children that receive a hematopoietic cell transplantation. The laronidase dose regimens used after a hematopoietic cell transplantation may differ from those administered before. This study will establish the basis for determining if there is a need to adjust laronidase dosing regimens after receiving a hematopoietic cell transplantation.
• between 0 to 3 years of age
• meet protocol specific eligibility criteria for allogeneic HCT for MPS IH
• planning to receive laronidase both pre and post-transplant in an inpatient setting as part of standard-of-care treatment. Virtually all patients with MPSIH being considered for transplantation at the University of Minnesota are already receiving enzyme infusions, and it is standard practice to continue to give enzyme infusions to 8 weeks post-transplant. Therefore, participation will not modify the treatment course
• patient's parent/ legal guardians are unable to provide informed consent.
Humanitarian Use Device: Medtronic DBS Therapy for Dystonia (HDE #H020007) (Dystonia IRB)
Humanitarian use devices are medical devices approved by the FDA for the treatment of medical conditions affecting fewer than 4,000 patients per year. The FDA reviewed the safety of the device and determined that the probable health benefits outweigh the risks of injury or illness from its use. Effective treatment of symptoms, however, has not been studied in formal clinical trials. Medtronic DBS Therapy delivers electrical stimulation to areas in the brain to help control symptoms of various movement disorders. You may be a candidate for Medtronic DBS Therapy for Dystonia if you have been diagnosed with chronic, intractable (drug refractory) primary dystonia. You or your third party payer (health insurance, Medicare, Medicaid or other) must provide payment for hospital, office and other medical costs related to this therapy.
• 7 to 99 years old
• diagnosed with chronic, intractable (drug refractory) primary dystonia determined by a neurologist or neurosurgeon
• patients who are at significant surgical risk as determined by the neurosurgeon and/or anesthesiologist
• patients who have not had an adequate trial of medical or non-surgical treatment
MT2015-25: Tandem Myeloablative Consolidation Therapy and Autologous Stem Cell Rescue for High-Risk Neuroblastoma
The primary purpose of this study is to gain information, especially disease free outcomes, using the tandem approach as compared to the historical information of using a single transplant. The data will be analyzed for transplant “milestones” such as time to blood count recovery and how patients are doing at 3 months and 1 year after the treatment. Participation in this study will not alter treatment or medical care. All information for this study will be collected from medical records.
• less than 30 years old when diagnosis of neuroblastoma is made
• no uncontrolled infection
• recovered from acute toxicities of last cycle of induction chemotherapy
• see link to clinicaltrials.gov for complete inclusion and exclusion criteria
Global Patient Registry of Inherited Retinal Diseases
The purpose of this research study is to collect timely and relevant data that will support the evolving research needs of the Inherited Retinal Disease community (IRD), in order to provide insights that can be used to improve patient management, and to inform development of future treatments. No visits, assessments, or procedures are mandated, and follow-up will be captured as part of your standard of care. The planned length of registry is of 8 years with a potential to extend the duration as needs evolve.
• at least 3 years old
• documented genetic diagnosis of X-linked retinitis pigmentosa (XLRP) or Achromatopsia (ACHM) with any signs or symptoms of disease
• Caregiver participants must be at least 18 years old and identified by the participant as the primary care giver
• received a treatment in an Inherited Retinal Disease (IRD) related interventional trial, or is being screened for an IIRD-related interventional trial
• Caregiver participant has an IRD and has visual impairment
MT2019-01: Adrenoleukodystrophy National Registry Study (ALD) and Biobank
The purpose of this research to enhance our understanding of adrenoleukodystrophy ALD and study biospecimens such assaliva, blood, urine and stool to identify potential biomarkers for early identification of dise. We invite people who have or are at risk to have ALD, including females who are known or at risk carriers of the mutation for ALD, to help us learn more.
• age 0 to 100
• patient or family member diagnosed with ALD (confirmed by positive VLCFA testing and/or genetic mutation
• patient or family member with known or presumed mutation with ALD based on pedigree or confirmed mutation in ABCD1 gene
• living in the United States and territories
• have undergone BMT or other cellular therapy
• not fluent in English who are unable to consent in-person
• people who are unable to read or write
Causal Modeling of Ecological Momentary Assessment and Wearable Data in Youth
Researchers want to find out more about how physical, cognitive, and emotional factors affect eating.
• 13-17 years old
• BMI at or above the 95th percentile
• own a smartphone
• willing to wear a FitBit or Garmin that we provide, download the FitBit or Garmin app on your smartphone and allow transfer of data to study staff
• medication changes in the last 28 days for medications that are likely to affect appetite, mood, and attention
Developing Evidence-Based Criteria for Initiating Treatment for Neurofibromatosis Type 1 Associated Optic Pathway Glioma
To determine the prognostic factors for visual outcome for newly diagnosed NF1-OPGs. Hypothesis: Patients (<18 years of age) with tumors involving the optic tracts and/or radiations will demonstrate worse visual outcomes compared to those without optic tract involvement.
• less than 18 years old
• EITHER the clinical diagnosis of NF1 OR have a constitutional NF1 mutation
• newly diagnosed Optic Pathway Glioma (OPG) (confirmed by MRI within 1 month of enrollment)
• additional inclusion and exclusion criteria (study staff will review)
• OPGs involving only the optic radiations
• prior therapy for an OPG (e.g. surgery [including biopsy], radiotherapy, chemotherapy, etc.)
• prior therapy for another (non-OPG) tumor
• history of hydrocephalus requiring surgical intervention
COG AGCT1531 - A Phase 3 Study of Active Surveillance for Low Risk and a Randomized Trial of Carboplatin vs. Cisplatin for Standard Risk Pediatric and Adult Patients with Germ Cell Tumors
This partially randomized phase III trial studies how well active surveillance, bleomycin, carboplatin, etoposide, or cisplatin work in treating pediatric and adult patients with germ cell tumors. Active surveillance may help doctors to monitor subjects with low risk germ cell tumors after their tumor is removed. Drugs used in chemotherapy, such as bleomycin, carboplatin, etoposide, and cisplatin, work in different ways to stop the growth of tumor cells, either by killing the cells, by stopping them from dividing, or by stopping them from spreading.
• newly diagnosed with a Stage I germ cell tumor or metastatic germ cell tumor
• see link to clinicaltrials.gov for detailed inclusion criteria
• patients must have had no prior systemic therapy for the current cancer diagnosis
• patients must have had no prior radiation therapy (exception of CNS irradiation of brain metastases for standard risk 1 patients)
• female patients who are pregnant since fetal toxicities and teratogenic effects have been noted for several of the study drugs
• lactating females who plan to breastfeed their infants
• there are additional exclusion criteria (study staff will review)
Stability 2: ACL Reconstruction +/- Lateral Tenodesis with Patellar vs Quad Tendon (Protocol # PRO19020231) (STABILITY 2)
The purpose of this multicenter study is to compare outcomes between patients who will undergo different types of ACL reconstruction. All patients will have a tendon from their own knee used to reconstruct the ACL. Prior to knee surgery, researchers will randomize (i.e. a coin toss) to determine if ACL reconstruction will be done with patellar or quadriceps tendon and if the lateral extra-articular tenodesis will or will not be added to the ACL surgery. We will follow-up with participants as they undergo treatment and recovery after surgery for 2 years.
• age 14-25
• ACL deficient knee
• at least two of the following: participate in a competitive pivoting sport; have a pivot shift of grade 2 or greater; have generalized ligamentous laxity
• previous ACL repair on either knee
• partial ACL tear
• multiple ligament injury (two or more ligaments requiring surgery)
• pregnancy
An Open-label, Phase 1/2 Study to Evaluate the Safety and Efficacy of Single-dose PR001A in Infants with Type 2 Gaucher Disease
PR001A is designed to deliver a normal GBA1 gene copy into the body to increase the activity of GCase, which is low in Type 2 Gaucher Disease (GD2) patients. The new GBA1 gene will remain a child’s body cells for many years and possibly for the rest of their life. A participant will need one surgery during which the study drug will be given and will stay in the hospital for at least 48 hours following the surgery.
• 0 to 24 months of age
• clinical diagnosis on Gaucher disease, Type 2 (GD2)
• Bi-allelic GBA1 mutation
• child has a reliable caregiver (i.e., parent/legal guardian) who is willing and able to participate in the study as a source of information on the patient's health status and cognitive and functional abilities
• diagnosis of a significant CNS disease other than GD2
• able to walk independently
• any other significant medical diagnosis (study staff will review)
• significant laboratory test result abnormalities
• unable to tolerate diagnostic imaging (MRI, CT scan) or unable to tolerate contrast agent
• unable to have sedation or anesthesia
A Prospective, Non-interventional (NIS), Long-term, Post-Authorisation Safety Study (PASS) of Patients Treated with Lonapegsomatropin (SkyPASS) (SkyPASS)
The purpose of this study is to evaluate the long-term safety and effectiveness of Skytrofa treatment in children growth hormone deficiency. Patient care will follow the normal treatment practices at the clinic. No additional visits will be performed beyond the usual clinical practice.
• 1 to 18 years old
• on treatment with SKYTROFA (lonapegsomatropin)
• participating in any interventional clinical study for short stature
Projecting Outcomes in Respiratory Technology Dependent Children After Serious Illness (Project ORCAS)
We are hoping to understand more about how being in the ICU impacts children who use breathing support at home and their families. As part of this research study, families will be asked to complete the following during the four study periods: - Complete questionnaires - Airway oscillometry will be used to test your child’s breathing - Complete short daily surveys
• Current pediatric ICU admission of at least 24 hours
• Presence of CRTN (any use of supplemental respiratory support, from nasal cannula to around-the-clock mechanical ventilation via a tracheostomy, when the child is at his or her clinical baseline)
• age at least 4 weeks (and at least 40 weeks corrected gestational age) and <17 years at the time of enrollment;
• Presence of at least one parent or legal guardian in the home who would be able to provide information about the child’s daily activities outside the hospital via web- and texting-based interfaces
• Child is enrolled in an interventional study related to provision of pediatric critical care services
• Family does not speak English to an extent to be able to adequately participate in consent discussions or study protocols
ALX-HPP-501: An Observational,Longitudinal Prospective, Long-term Registry of Patients with Hypophosphatasia
This is a long-term registry is designed to collect data on hypophosphatasia (HPP) to better understand the condition and learn more about the disease, how patients feel about living with HPP and effect of HPP on the patients wellbeing and health. The study will look at participant’s medical records and health questionnaires about the health status of patients. This study collects observational data from clinical care and does not involve any treatment for HPP or administration of medication for HPP.
• confirmed diagnosis of HPP.
• documented alkaline phosphatase (ALP) activity below the lower limit of normal for age and sex, or a documented ALPL gene mutation.
• able to read and speak English
• currently participating in an Alexion-sponsored clinical trial
Observational Study of Pediatric Rheumatic Diseases: The CARRA Registry
The primary objective for this observational study is to collect general and medical data from children, adolescents, and young adults who had pediatric onset rheumatic disease. This data will be used to evaluate the long-term safety and efficacy of therapeutic agents used to treat these diseases. This information will allow investigators to accurately report and follow changes in current medication use patterns and compare these to proposed standards and current treatment recommendations. The use of a single registry will allow for more analysis of the different therapeutic agents by allowing them to be compared to each other.
• diagnosed with rheumatic disease prior to age 16 years for juvenile idiopathic arthritis (JIA)
• onset prior to age 19 years for all other rheumatic diseases
• younger than 21 years
PEPN2111 - A Phase 1/2 Trial of CBL0137 (NSC# 825802, IND# 155843) in Patients with Relapsed or Refractory Solid Tumors including CNS Tumors and Lymphoma
A Phase I/II trial of single agent intravenous CBL0137 in pediatric patients (≥ 12 months and ≤ 30 years) with relapsed/refractory solid tumors, including CNS tumors and lymphoma.
• 12 months to 30 years old
• patients with relapsed or refractory solid tumors or lymphoma, including patients with CNS tumors or known CNS metastases, or patients with progressive or recurrent DIPG (diagnosed by biopsy or imaging characteristics) and other H3 K27M-mutant diffuse midline gliomas previously treated with radiation therapy, or patients with relapsed or refractory osteosarcoma
• patients must have fully recovered from the acute toxic effects of all prior anti-cancer therapy and must meet the following minimum duration from prior anti-cancer directed therapy prior to enrollment
• patients have consented to receive a central venous catheter prior to the administration of CBL0137
• see link to clnicaltrials.gov for complete inclusion and exclusion criteria
• pregnant or breast-feeding women
• patients who have an uncontrolled infection
• patients who have received a prior solid organ transplantation
Muscular Dystrophy Association Neuromuscular Observational Research (MOVR) Data Hub Protocol (#MDACS1)
The Muscular Dystrophy Association (MDA) wants to collect information about individuals with neuromuscular disease to better understand the disease progression and ultimately improve the medical care, quality of life, and survival of those with neuromuscular disease. To collect this information, MDA has created a data registry called the Neuromuscular Observational Research Data Hub (referred to as the “MOVR Data Hub”).
Can spectral power and coherence reflect the integrity of the efferent cerebellar cortical pathway in cerebellar mutism syndrome?
This study will be measuring brain activity using EEG and assessing motor skills and speech in children following cancerous brain tumor resection. No direct cancer treatments or objectives are being targeted.
• Cerebellar Mutism Syndrome (CMS) & Comparison (without CMS) Groups: ages 10 years 0 months to 25 years 11 months of age & fluent in English (parents/guardian do not need to be fluent in English)
• For those with Cerebellar Mutism Syndrome (CMS): history of resection of posterior fossa tumor at least 2 years before starting the study and at least 3 months post chemotherapy and radiation treatment
• Comparison group without CMS: any developmental conditions including ADD/ADHD, learning disabilities, speech/language delay or disorder, motor delay/disorder, cognitive delay and/or diagnosis of autism spectrum disorder
• any genetic condition
• any neurologic condition including history of stroke, seizure disorder, or brain injury
• history of brain tumor or other cancer diagnosis
• CMS Group: any developmental conditions including ADD/ADHD, learning disabilities, speech/language delay or disorder, motor delay/disorder, cognitive delay and/or diagnosis of autism spectrum disorder prior to brain tumor diagnosis
• any genetic condition prior to brain tumor diagnosis
• any neurologic condition including history of stroke, seizure disorder, or brain injury disorder prior to brain tumor diagnosis
Multimodal profiling of response to pediatric Comprehensive Behavioral Intervention for Tics
This study identifies the bio-behavioral predictors and correlation of responses to Comprehensive Behavioral Intervention to Tics (CBIT) in young people with tic disorder.
• age 10-17 years at time of enrollment
• current chronic motor and/or vocal tics, defined as tics for at least 1 year without a tic-free period of more than 3 consecutive months. Tics must not be due to a medical condition or the direct physiological effects of a substance
• at least moderate tic severity
• full scale IQ greater than 70
• English fluency to ensure comprehension of study measures and instructions
• inability to undergo MRI (e.g., metal in body, claustrophobia, orthodontia) and/or EEG
• actively suicidal
• previous diagnosis of psychosis, cognitive disability, or structural brain disease
• history of seizure disorder
• active substance abuse or dependence
• presence of another psychiatric or medical condition requiring immediate treatment and/or for which delay of treatment to focus on tics would be clinically inappropriate. Participants will not be excluded for comorbidities that commonly occur with TS (e.g., ADHD, OCD, anxiety) provided that this criterion is met
• concurrent psychotherapy focused on tics and/or involving procedures that overlap with CBIT (e.g., habit reversal therapy, exposure therapy targeting repetitive behaviors).
• psychotropic medication changes in the past 6 weeks and/or plans to change medication during the study period through post-treatment assessment
• four or more previous sessions of CBIT
The TrialNet Natural History Study of the Development of Type 1 Diabetes
TrialNet is an international research group dedicated to the study, prevention, and early treatment of Type 1 diabetes. Type 1 diabetes is now understood as a disease that develops over time in stages. Stage 1 starts with the appearance of having two or more autoantibodies. This is followed by Stage 2, which is the development of abnormal blood glucose levels. Stage 3 is the clinical diagnosis of Type 1 diabetes. This study will help us learn more about how Type 1 diabetes occurs through the screening of diabetes-related autoantibodies and monitoring individuals who have tested positive for these autoantibodies.
• 2.5 to 45 years old and have an immediate family member with type 1 diabetes (child, parent, or sibling)
• 2.5 to 20 years old who have an extended family member with type 1 diabetes (cousin, niece, nephew, aunt, uncle, grandparent, or half-sibling)
• already have diabetes
• history of being treated with insulin or oral diabetes medications
• using systemic immunosuppressive agents (topical and inhaled agents are acceptable)
• have any known serious diseases
ELEVATE, a global observational longitudinal prospective registry of patients with acute hepatic porphyria (AHP) (ELEVATE)
This is a global, multicenter, prospective, observational, longitudinal registry conducted to characterize the natural history and real-world clinical management of patients diagnosed with AHP. This protocol will not recommend the use of any specific treatments, visits, or procedures. No medication is provided as part of registry participation.
Tissue biopsies for the study of FSHD
A single visit study with muscle and/or skin biopsy / blood draw, performed to determine whether a molecular or cellular defect can be attributed to cells of Fascioscapulohumeral Muscular Dystrophy (FSHD) muscle. This study is recruiting both individuals with genetically confirmed FSHD as well as unaffected healthy (control) individuals.
• Genetic confirmation of Fascioscapulohumeral Muscular Dystrophy (FSHD)
• at least 4 years old
• Healthy Family Members: parent or sibling of someone who has FSHD
• heart failure, respiratory insufficiency that requires respiratory support
• taking anticoagulants or anti platelet medications (aspirin or NSAIDs)
Building Resilience in Adrenoleukodystrophy with Imaging and Neuropsychology (BRAIN)
This study is about a genetic condition called Adrenoleukodystrophy (ALD). The first goal of this study is to understand more about how ALD affects a child’s brain and development in childhood as they take part in medical care and monitoring. This is important to identify the optimal ways to detect and treat manifestations of ALD such as cerebral ALD. The second goal is to learn about how ALD affects caregivers, so that clinicians can offer better support to families in the future. We will also have healthy comparisons to help to learn more about the condition (ALD) being studied, by comparing the information collected to a child without the condition.
• 3 to 15 years old
• male
• diagnosis of ALD either at-risk for ALD: patients with genetically or biochemically-diagnosed ALD who currently have no evidence of cerebral disease on MRI and b) Cerebral ALD: boys with the cerebral form of ALD who underwent or are undergoing evaluation or treatment for this condition and have early stage disease
• for healthy volunteers: males between 3 and 15 years old
• girls are excluded because this is a genetic disease that only males get
• history of a genetic, neurological, or neurodevelopmental disorder affecting brain development
• history of significant brain insult, infection or injury
MT2013-09C : Umbilical Cord Blood Transplantation Using a Myeloablative Preparative Regimen for the Treatment of Hematological Diseases
This is a treatment protocol for an unrelated umbilical cord blood transplant (UCBT) using a myeloablative preparative regimen for the treatment of hematological diseases, including, but not limited to acute leukemias. There is no research element except the collection of routine clinical data.
• up to 55 years old
• see link to clinicaltrials.gov for inclusion criteria specific to each type of leukemia
• Radiation Oncology will evaluate all patients who have had previous radiation therapy
• pregnant or breastfeeding
• HIV positive
• study staff will review additional exclusion criteria
MT2013-06C : Treatment of graft Failure after HSCT
The primary purpose of this study is to record outcomes and patient characteristics in the Masonic Cancer Center and BMT databases for patients undergoing a second transplant using a haploidentical donor, an unrelated donor or umbilical cord blood. The data will be analyzed for transplant “milestones” such as time to blood count recovery (engraftment) and how patients are doing at 3 months and 6 months after the transplant. Participation in this study will not alter treatment or medical care. All information for this study will be collected from medical records.
• patients with primary or secondary HSCT graft failure
• see link to clinicaltrials.gov for complete Inclusion and Exclusion criteria
• uncontrolled infection at the time of transplant
• patients with Fanconi Anemia or other DNA breakage syndromes
Use of Continuous Wave Doppler to assess Vascular Malformations in Pediatric Dermatology
The aim of our study is to look at blood flow in various tumors and irregularities located in blood vessels using a handheld continuous wave doppler. Correct and efficient diagnosis of vascular anomalies (outside of what is expected to happen in blood vessels) in pediatric patients will help determine a treatment plan. Blood flow in vascular anomalies has not been well described in the past.
• less than 21 years old
• have a vascular anomaly such as Arteriovenous malformations (AVM), Capillary malformations (CM), Venous malformations (VM), Lymphatic malformations (LM), Pyogenic granuloma (PG), Infantile hemangioma (IH), or Congenital hemangioma (CH)
• being treated at University of MN pediatric dermatology outpatient clinic or the multidisciplinary vascular anomalies clinic
• history of any prior surgical, radiologic, medications for treatment (including oral or topical beta blocking agents)
Ten Thousand Families Study
The purpose of this study is to study the evolution of early life risk factors that may lead to cancer and other conditions. This is a prospective cohort study of families who reside in Minnesota.
• 1st Participant: 18+ living in MN
• Other family members: All ages and must live in MN, ND, SD, IA, or WI
• Participants ages 0-17 must have a parent consent to their participation and assist with study activities
• Unwilling or unable to provide DNA and blood sample
• Does not have at least 1 living family member in MN IA, ND, SD, or WI
A Phase 2, Open-Label, Basket Study of Atrasentan in Patients with Proteinuric Glomerular Diseases (AFFINITY)
The purpose of the research is to find out if atrasentan delays worsening of kidney function in IgAN, FSGS, and Alport Syndrome.
• Age 18 years and older for patients in the IgAN, FSGS, and Alport Syndrome cohorts
• age 18-70 years for patients in the DKD cohort
• receiving a maximally tolerated dose of RAS inhibitor therapy (ACEi or ARB) that has been stable for at least 12 weeks
• there are different requirements for each diagnosis category & study staff will review these
• current diagnosis of another cause of chronic kidney disease or another primary glomerulopathy
• history of kidney transplantation or other organ transplantation
• except for FSGS patients, use of systemic immunosuppressant medications, such as steroids, for more than 2 weeks in the past 3 months
• blood pressure above 150 mmHg systolic or 95 mmHg diastolic
• history of heart failure or a previous hospital admission for fluid overload.
• history of liver disease
• hemoglobin below 9 g/dL or blood transfusion for anemia within the past 3 months.
• cancer in the past 5 years (except nonmelanoma skin cancer and curatively treated cervical carcinoma in situ)
• women who are pregnant, breastfeeding, or intend become pregnant during the study
• recently received an investigational agent -clinically significant unstable or uncontrolled medical condition (study staff will review)