Validation of Flexible, Wearable Sensors to Detect and Monitor Tics

The goal of this study is to design wearable, comfortable sensors to measure muscle movement during tics. Small, flexible EMG sensors (the size of the head of a pin) will be embedded in a “band-aid like” plastic sticker which is placed on the side of the face. Participants will be video recorded as they complete movement tasks. The entire visit will take approximately 2 hours.
Male or Female
Not specified
Inclusion Criteria:
• 10 to 21 years old
• must have chronic tics present for at least 1 year
• must have at least one facial tic that occurs at least approximately once every 2-5 minutes
Exclusion Criteria:
• active acute skin disorders
• previous diagnosis of psychosis or cognitive disability
• currently suicidal
Brain & Nervous System, Children's Health, Mental Health & Addiction
Tic disorders, Tics, Tourette Syndrome
TIC Lab Study - ticlab@umn.edu
Brianna Wellen