Projecting Outcomes in Respiratory Technology Dependent Children After Serious Illness (Project ORCAS)

We are hoping to understand more about how being in the ICU impacts children who use breathing support at home and their families. As part of this research study, families will be asked to complete the following during the four study periods: - Complete questionnaires - Airway oscillometry will be used to test your child’s breathing - Complete short daily surveys
Male or Female
Up to 18 years old
Inclusion Criteria:
• Current pediatric ICU admission of at least 24 hours
• Presence of CRTN (any use of supplemental respiratory support, from nasal cannula to around-the-clock mechanical ventilation via a tracheostomy, when the child is at his or her clinical baseline)
• age at least 4 weeks (and at least 40 weeks corrected gestational age) and <17 years at the time of enrollment;
• Presence of at least one parent or legal guardian in the home who would be able to provide information about the child’s daily activities outside the hospital via web- and texting-based interfaces
Exclusion Criteria:
• Child is enrolled in an interventional study related to provision of pediatric critical care services
• Family does not speak English to an extent to be able to adequately participate in consent discussions or study protocols
Children's Health, Respiratory System
critical care, outcomes
Orcas Study - projectorcas@umn.edu
Julia Heneghan