Multimodal profiling of response to pediatric Comprehensive Behavioral Intervention for Tics

This study identifies the bio-behavioral predictors and correlation of responses to Comprehensive Behavioral Intervention to Tics (CBIT) in young people with tic disorder.
Male or Female
Up to 18 years old
Inclusion Criteria:
• age 10-17 years at time of enrollment
• current chronic motor and/or vocal tics, defined as tics for at least 1 year without a tic-free period of more than 3 consecutive months. Tics must not be due to a medical condition or the direct physiological effects of a substance
• at least moderate tic severity
• full scale IQ greater than 70
• English fluency to ensure comprehension of study measures and instructions
Exclusion Criteria:
• inability to undergo MRI (e.g., metal in body, claustrophobia, orthodontia) and/or EEG
• actively suicidal
• previous diagnosis of psychosis, cognitive disability, or structural brain disease
• history of seizure disorder
• active substance abuse or dependence
• presence of another psychiatric or medical condition requiring immediate treatment and/or for which delay of treatment to focus on tics would be clinically inappropriate. Participants will not be excluded for comorbidities that commonly occur with TS (e.g., ADHD, OCD, anxiety) provided that this criterion is met
• concurrent psychotherapy focused on tics and/or involving procedures that overlap with CBIT (e.g., habit reversal therapy, exposure therapy targeting repetitive behaviors).
• psychotropic medication changes in the past 6 weeks and/or plans to change medication during the study period through post-treatment assessment
• four or more previous sessions of CBIT
Other: CBIT
Brain & Nervous System, Children's Health, Mental Health & Addiction
cbit, mental health, motor tic, tic, tourette syndrome, vocal tic
Tabitha Mungai - munga031@umn.edu
Sonya Wang
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