
Search Results Within Category "Prevention & Wellness"

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13 Study Matches

Development of Tobacco Related Biomarkers

To maintain a biorepository (sample bank) of biological samples from different tobacco users and non-users to investigate how tobacco and nicotine products affect our bodies. The samples will be used by researchers to develop methods to look for biological “markers” (biomarkers), or chemical changes in the body, that occur due to tobacco or nicotine exposure. The goal is to eventually use these biomarkers to improve detection, prevention, and treatment strategies for tobacco-related diseases.

Stephen Hecht, PhD
18 years and over
This study is NOT accepting healthy volunteers
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Inclusion Criteria:
This study is recruiting people who fit one of the following:
• formerly smoked cigarettes daily
• uses smokeless tobacco
• smokes cigars
• uses nicotine gum, lozenges, patches, nasal spray, pouches, or inhaler
Exclusion Criteria:

• younger than 21 years old
• smokes or vapes marijuana
Community Health, Prevention & Wellness
chewing, cigarettes, cigars, nicotine, smokeless tobacco, smoking, tobacco, vaping, gum, patches
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Sex differences in the effecTs of brEaking uP sedentary behavior on vascUlar function in Type 2 Diabetes (STEP UP T2D)

Type 2 diabetes (T2D) confers a high risk of cardiovascular disease (CVD), particularly among older adults who tend to be physically inactive. Most studies that have examined the effects of changing sedentary behavior (SB) have focused on young healthy males and prioritized glycemic outcomes. We will look at the effect of 3 different ways of breaking up sitting: 1) 4 hours of prolonged SB, 2) 4 hours of SB broken up by 5 minutes of self-paced walking every hour, and 3) 4 hours of SB with one 20-minute bout of self-paced walking. In addition to examining the overall effects of each condition, differences between men and women will be evaluated.

Mary Whipple
18 years and over
This study is NOT accepting healthy volunteers
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Inclusion Criteria:

• 60 years or older
• postmenopausal (at least 12 months without a menstrual period)
• Type 2 diabetes (hemoglobin A1c 6.5% or more and/or previous diagnosis of type 2 diabetes)
• sedentary for at least 6 hours/day
• willing to abstain from food, caffeine, alcohol and exercise for at least 24 hours, and tobacco/smoking for at least 12 hours prior to each study visit
• able to speak and read English
Exclusion Criteria:

• Type 1 diabetes
• uncontrolled hypertension (resting systolic greater than 160 or diastolic greater than 110 mmHg)
• starting hormone therapy or changing in hormone therapy (dose/frequency/route of administration) in the previous 3 months
• on renal dialysis
• history of deep vein thrombosis (DVT)
• evidence of cognitive impairment
• physical impairment or disability that interferes with ability to engage in exercise (severe osteoarthritis, lower extremity amputation [other than toe(s)/partial foot], use of a walker or wheelchair, etc.)
• unstable medical/psychiatric condition that could impact study participation
Diabetes & Endocrine, Prevention & Wellness, Women's Health
physical activity, sedentary behavior, sitting
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The effects of cigarette smoking and alcohol on DNA damage in the oral cavity

The purpose of this study to examine the effects of cigarette smoking and drinking alcohol on the formation of DNA damage in the mouth. The overall goal is to identify DNA damage that may be important to the development of head and neck cancers.

Stephen Hecht, PhD
18 years and over
This study is also accepting healthy volunteers
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Inclusion Criteria:

• 21 years of age or older
• Smoke cigarettes daily
• Drink alcohol regularly
Exclusion Criteria:

• Use other tobacco/nicotine products
Prevention & Wellness, Cancer
alcohol, cigarettes, drinking, Smoking, tobacco
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Save the Bottoms!!!: Assessing the Gay Male Experience with Anal Cancer Prevention Strategies

The purpose of this study is to describe current knowledge and opinions about anal cancer screening among men who have sex with men (MSM), as well as their experience receiving guideline-compliant care aimed at anal cancer risk reduction using a large-scale survey disseminated via social media.

Elliot Arsoniadis
18 years and over
This study is also accepting healthy volunteers
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Inclusion Criteria:

• 18 years of age or older
• AMAB (Assigned Male at Birth)
• Current resident of the U.S.
• Engage in receptive anal intercourse with male partners
• Fluent in English or Spanish
Cancer, Prevention & Wellness
Clinics and Surgery Center (CSC), Anal Cancer
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Dissecting the role of acetaldehyde in oral carcinogenesis

The goal of this study is to better understand how drinking alcohol may lead to oral cancers. Acetaldehyde, a chemical formed when the body breaks down alcohol, is believed to play an important role. This study will measure acetaldehyde and DNA damage levels in the mouth of participants after a low dose of alcohol. The levels will be compared between three groups, all having different degrees of risk for developing oral cancer, in order to identify DNA damage that might be crucial to cancer formation.

Silvia Balbo
18 years and over
This study is NOT accepting healthy volunteers
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Inclusion Criteria:

• 21 to 45 years of age: alcohol drinker of Eastern Asian descent who experiences flushing (reddening or warming of face) when drinking
• 21 years of age and older: alcohol drinker who have Fanconi Anemia
• 18 to 45 years of age: non-drinkers
Exclusion Criteria:

• Tobacco or nicotine users
Prevention & Wellness
Alcohol, Fanconi Anemia, drinking
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Collaborative Solutions for Breaking Up Sedentary Time in Black Older Adults with Type 2 Diabetes: The Interrupt T2D Study

Black Americans are 60% more likely to be diagnosed with Type 2 Diabetes (T2D) and 2 times more likely to die from T2D than non-Hispanic White Americans. Recent research has shown that sedentary behavior (such as sitting or lying down) have a significant negative impact on health. We are doing a small study with older people who identify as Black or African American and have T2D to look at ways to reduce sedentary behavior. The study will last about 1-2 months for each participant.

Mary Whipple
18 years and over
This study is NOT accepting healthy volunteers
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Inclusion Criteria:

• self-identify as Black or African American.
• 55 years and older
• speak and read English.
• self-reported diagnosis of type 2 diabetes (T2D)
Exclusion Criteria:

• evidence of cognitive impairment that could impact ability to consent and/or participation
• physical impairment or disability that interferes with ability to engage in physical activity such as severe osteoarthritis, lower extremity amputation (other than toe(s) or partial foot), regular use of a walker or wheelchair, etc.
• unstable medical or mental health condition (study staff will review)
Diabetes & Endocrine, Heart & Vascular, Prevention & Wellness
behavior change, community engaged research, diabetes, physical activity, sedentary behavior, T2D
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Profiling of Adipose Tissue Depots and Immune Correlates

This is a study of individuals older than 18, undergoing abdominal surgery, and are amenable to fat samples being collected during their surgical procedure, with the option to participate in other tests that can provide information on insulin sensitivity and fat distribution. This study is trying to figure out how fat tissue is related to an individual's health status and health conditions, and the analysis of the aging of cells that make up the human body.

Sayeed Ikramuddin
18 years and over
This study is NOT accepting healthy volunteers
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Inclusion Criteria:

• Age 18 years or older
• Undergoing abdominal surgical procedure with general anesthesia
Exclusion Criteria:

• Pregnancy or nursing
• Exclusion at the discretion of attending physician or Eligibility Committee
Digestive & Liver Health, Diabetes & Endocrine, Prevention & Wellness
abdominal surgery, fat collection
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Ten Thousand Families Study

The purpose of this study is to study the evolution of early life risk factors that may lead to cancer and other conditions. This is a prospective cohort study of families who reside in Minnesota.

Jen Poynter
Not specified
This study is also accepting healthy volunteers
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Inclusion Criteria:

• 1st Participant: 18+ living in MN
• Other family members: All ages and must live in MN, ND, SD, IA, or WI
• Participants ages 0-17 must have a parent consent to their participation and assist with study activities
Exclusion Criteria:

• Unwilling or unable to provide DNA and blood sample
• Does not have at least 1 living family member in MN IA, ND, SD, or WI
Cancer, Microbiota, Prevention & Wellness
Minnesota, PFAS, environment, exposures, family, genetics, glyphosate, lifestyle, radon, 10KFS, D2D
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teleABLE: Adapting a Behavioral Activation-Based Intervention to Reduce Post-Stroke Sedentary Behavior Using Telehealth (Formative Phase) (teleABLE)

We are exploring ways to increase physical activity after stroke using a web-based rehabilitation program. The purpose of this study is to adapt the Activating Behavior for Lasting Engagement (ABLE) program using video visits so people with stroke can participate from home.

Emily Kringle
18 years and over
This study is NOT accepting healthy volunteers
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Inclusion Criteria:

• experienced a stroke in the last 12 months
• currently spend at least 6 hours per day sitting
• access to a device for virtual video visits
Brain & Nervous System, Heart & Vascular, Prevention & Wellness
dwell, exercise, occupational therapy, physical therapy, remote, stroke rehab, teleable, virtual
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Targeting Family Meal Quality and Quantity to Reduce Childhood Obesity Using Ecological Momentary Intervention (EMI) and Video Feedback

The proposed study is an individual three-arm randomized controlled tiled aimed at utilizing state-of-the-art intervention methods to examine whether increasing the quality and the quantity of family meals reduces childhood obesity.

Jerica Berge
Up to 18 years old
This study is also accepting healthy volunteers
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Inclusion Criteria:

• Child 5-10 years old
• Have a sibling who lives in the home with the child
• Live in the Metro area
• Speaks English or Spanish
Prevention & Wellness, Children's Health
family, family meals, nutrition, primary care
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Liver Collection Study

This is a study of individuals older than 18, undergoing abdominal procedures in which the liver is accessible, and are amenable to liver samples being collected during their surgical procedure, with the option to participate in a specialized scan that can provide information on liver health, stiffness, and fat content. This study is trying to figure out how senescent (aging) cells in the liver are related to an individual's health status and better understand the association between these cells and different metabolic diseases.

Sayeed Ikramuddin
18 years and over
This study is NOT accepting healthy volunteers
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Inclusion Criteria:

• Age 18 years or older
• Undergoing abdominal surgical procedure with general anesthesia
Exclusion Criteria:

• Pregnancy or nursing
• Physician may exclude
Diabetes & Endocrine, Digestive & Liver Health, Prevention & Wellness
abdominal surgery, liver biopsy
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Stress Response and Opioid Dysfunction in Nicotine Dependence

This study includes healthy adults between 18-70 years old who are either non-smokers or cigarette smokers interested in quitting. The purpose of this study is to learn more about how people respond to stress and to taking one dose of a widely and safely used drug called naltrexone as well as to learn about how these responses relate to whether or not someone smokes, smoking cessation, and smoking relapse.

Mustafa al'Absi
18 years and over
This study is also accepting healthy volunteers
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Inclusion Criteria:

• Between 18-70 years old
• generally healthy
• want to quit using tobacco and nicotine
• willing to attend study visits over a period of approximately 4 months (though you may be asked to complete the last visits over a period of up to 1 year)
• have access to an internet-enabled device
Exclusion Criteria:

• current, uncontrolled hypertension (high blood pressure)
• current cardiac or other chronic diseases
• current opiate dependence, recent daily opiate use, or use of any narcotic medication
• women who are pregnant
• currently taking Naltrexone
Heart & Vascular, Mental Health & Addiction, Prevention & Wellness
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Methodology and Development of Tobacco Related Biomarkers Methodology and Development of Tobacco Related Biomarkers, part of 'Metabolism of Carcinogenic Tobacco-Specific Nitrosamines'

The purpose of this study is to better understand how tobacco and nicotine products affect our bodies. In this observational study smokers, vapers, smokeless tobacco users, nicotine replacement product users, non-users, and ex-users will be asked to provide biological samples. We will look for biological “markers” (biomarkers), or chemical changes in the body, that occur due to tobacco or nicotine exposure. Collected samples will be used for the development of biomarkers of toxicant exposure and for assessing exposure between the different groups. The intent is to eventually use these biomarkers to improve detection, prevention, and treatment strategies for tobacco-related diseases. This study will allow us to test currently used biomarkers, and to establish a biorepository (sample bank) to identify and develop new biomarkers associated with tobacco exposure and cessation. The type of samples and amount collected will depend on the specific biomarker(s) being developed or tested. Potential samples include saliva, cheek (buccal) & oral cells, blood, urine, hair, and/or nail clippings.

Stephen Hecht, PhD
18 years and over
This study is also accepting healthy volunteers
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Inclusion Criteria:

• 21 years or older
• Daily user of tobacco or nicotine products
Exclusion Criteria:

• Unstable health condition
• Pregnant or nursing
Cancer, Community Health, Prevention & Wellness
nicotine, nicotine replacement, smokeless tobacco, smoker, smoking, tobacco, vaper, vaping
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