Sex differences in the effecTs of brEaking uP sedentary behavior on vascUlar function in Type 2 Diabetes (STEP UP T2D)

Type 2 diabetes (T2D) confers a high risk of cardiovascular disease (CVD), particularly among older adults who tend to be physically inactive. Most studies that have examined the effects of changing sedentary behavior (SB) have focused on young healthy males and prioritized glycemic outcomes. We will look at the effect of 3 different ways of breaking up sitting: 1) 4 hours of prolonged SB, 2) 4 hours of SB broken up by 5 minutes of self-paced walking every hour, and 3) 4 hours of SB with one 20-minute bout of self-paced walking. In addition to examining the overall effects of each condition, differences between men and women will be evaluated.
• men who are 60 years or older
• Type 2 diabetes (hemoglobin A1c 6.5% or more and/or previous diagnosis of type 2 diabetes)
• sedentary for at least 6 hours/day
• willing to abstain from food, caffeine, alcohol and exercise for at least 24 hours, and tobacco/smoking for at least 12 hours prior to each study visit
• able to speak and read English
• Type 1 diabetes
• uncontrolled hypertension (resting systolic greater than 160 or diastolic greater than 110 mmHg)
• starting hormone therapy or changing in hormone therapy (dose/frequency/route of administration) in the previous 3 months
• on renal dialysis
• history of deep vein thrombosis (DVT)
• evidence of cognitive impairment
• physical impairment or disability that interferes with ability to engage in exercise (severe osteoarthritis, lower extremity amputation [other than toe(s)/partial foot], use of a walker or wheelchair, etc.)
• unstable medical/psychiatric condition that could impact study participation
Behavioral: SB broken 1, Behavioral: SB broken 2, Behavioral: prolonged SB
Diabetes & Endocrine, Prevention & Wellness, Women's Health
physical activity, sedentary behavior, sitting