
Development of Tobacco Related Biomarkers


To maintain a biorepository (sample bank) of biological samples from different tobacco users and non-users to investigate how tobacco and nicotine products affect our bodies. The samples will be used by researchers to develop methods to look for biological “markers” (biomarkers), or chemical changes in the body, that occur due to tobacco or nicotine exposure. The goal is to eventually use these biomarkers to improve detection, prevention, and treatment strategies for tobacco-related diseases.

I'm interested

Male or Female
18 years and over
This study is NOT accepting healthy volunteers
Inclusion Criteria:
This study is recruiting people who fit one of the following:
• formerly smoked cigarettes daily
• uses smokeless tobacco
• smokes cigars
• uses nicotine gum, lozenges, patches, nasal spray, pouches, or inhaler
Exclusion Criteria:

• younger than 21 years old
• smokes or vapes marijuana

Community Health, Prevention & Wellness

chewing, cigarettes, cigars, nicotine, smokeless tobacco, smoking, tobacco, vaping, gum, patches

Biomarkers Study -
Stephen Hecht, PhD
