Collaborative Solutions for Breaking Up Sedentary Time in Black Older Adults with Type 2 Diabetes: The Interrupt T2D Study

Black Americans are 60% more likely to be diagnosed with Type 2 Diabetes (T2D) and 2 times more likely to die from T2D than non-Hispanic White Americans. Recent research has shown that sedentary behavior (such as sitting or lying down) have a significant negative impact on health. We are doing a small study with older people who identify as Black or African American and have T2D to look at ways to reduce sedentary behavior. The study will last about 1-2 months for each participant.
Male or Female
18 years and over
Inclusion Criteria:
• self-identify as Black or African American.
• 55 years and older
• speak and read English.
• self-reported diagnosis of type 2 diabetes (T2D)
Exclusion Criteria:
• evidence of cognitive impairment that could impact ability to consent and/or participation
• physical impairment or disability that interferes with ability to engage in physical activity such as severe osteoarthritis, lower extremity amputation (other than toe(s) or partial foot), regular use of a walker or wheelchair, etc.
• unstable medical or mental health condition (study staff will review)
Diabetes & Endocrine, Heart & Vascular, Prevention & Wellness
behavior change, community engaged research, diabetes, physical activity, sedentary behavior, T2D
STEP UP T2D Study - sittingresearch@umn.edu
Mary Whipple