
D2D Kid Talk Study: How Do Kids Learn Language?


The purpose of this research is to better understand how children learn language. Child participants will complete problem solving and language-based tasks. Parents will complete two questionnaires about the child and their development. Results of this study will be used to help children with language-learning weaknesses.

I'm interested

Male or Female
Up to 18 years old
This study is also accepting healthy volunteers
Inclusion Criteria:

• child must be 5 through 8 years old
• parent and child must speak and understand spoken and written (parent) English
• English must be the language spoken at home
Exclusion Criteria:

• history or symptoms of a developmental or neurological disorder, such as stroke, traumatic brain injury, seizure disorders, cerebral palsy, or autism
• currently receiving speech-language, reading, or special learning services or have received these services in the past
• history of hearing loss

Children's Health

language development

Lizbeth Finestack -
Lizbeth Finestack
