Global Registry For Novel Therapies In Rare Bone & Endocrine Conditions

This research study is for creating a registry of all ages with conditions in endocrine and both health. Registries are used very often these days by doctors and scientists to collect information and use to perform research into rare conditions. This registry will be part of a global registry, called "GloBE-Reg" with the University of Glasgow (Scotland) and with the University of MInnesota.
Male or Female
Up to 18 years old
Inclusion Criteria:
• for this study is not for any specific diagnosis
• any child receiving human growth hormone treatment
Exclusion Criteria:
Unable to meet the Inclusion Criteria above.Rare Diseases, Children's Health
growth hormone
Cydney Coleman - colem520@umn.edu
Brad Miller, MD, PhD
See this study on ClinicalTrials.gov