
Biologic Abatement and Capturing Kids Outcomes and Flare Frequency in Juvenile Spondyloarthritis (BACK OFF JSpA)


This study is enrolling participants who have been diagnosed with juvenile spondyloarthritis, are taking a tumor necrosis factor inhibitor (TNFi) and have reached a clinically inactive disease state for a minimum of six months. Researchers want to know if children who have maintained inactive disease for at least 6 months can maintain quiet disease without taking their medication as frequently or stop the TNFi therapy. Quiet disease means that disease related symptoms are not active or being experienced in the patient. Researchers also want to know the safest method to bring patients off medication. If a flare does occur during therapy reduction, researchers want to find out whether they can predict when a flare is most likely to happen, and how quickly an inactive disease state can be recaptured.

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Male or Female
Not specified
This study is NOT accepting healthy volunteers
Inclusion Criteria:

• age 8 to 21 years
• juvenile SpA diagnosis symptom with symptoms starting before their 16th birthday
• currently taking one of the following therapies (Adalimumab, Certolizumab, Etanercept, Golimumab, Infliximab) at standard doses
• have reached a clinically inactive state for at least 6 months
• English speaking or Spanish speaking
• willing to taper off medications
Exclusion Criteria:

• History of inflammatory bowel disease or history of uveitis
• psoriasis that started before TNFi therapy or psoriasis that started after TNFi therapy and has required more than topical therapy for control

Arthritis & Rheumatic Diseases, Children's Health, Rare Diseases

arthritis, Juvenile Spondyloarthritis

Colleen Correll -
Colleen Correll
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