
Transdiagnostic Cognitive Biomarkers


This study aims to test the use of electrophysiology and TMS (transcranial magnetic stimulation) in discovering biomarkers for cognitive impairment in chronic pain and depression. Total time anticipated for the study is around 15 hours.

I'm interested

Male or Female
18 years and over
This study is also accepting healthy volunteers
Inclusion Criteria:

• all participants must be adults 18 years or older
• diagnosis of chronic pain that isn't controlled with oral pain medication OR
• diagnosis of major depression OR
• healthy volunteers
Exclusion Criteria:

• unable to have TMS due to metallic hardware (such as cochlear implants, deep brain stimulator, medication pumps)
• history of seizures or epilepsy
• unable to have a MRI
• unable to complete tasks associated with study
• women who are pregnant
• non-English speaking
• blindness
• healthy volunteers may not have a diagnosis of chronic pain or depression

Brain & Nervous System, Mental Health & Addiction

chronic pain, Depression, MRI, pain, TMS

Gabby Hernandez -
David Darrow
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