
Search Results Within Category "Children's Health"

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40 Study Matches

Genetics of Developmental Disorders - Data and Specimen Repository

This project is a data and specimen repository for developmental disorders. Participants provide biological samples and permission to store their health-related data. The purpose is collect and manage these materials for use in biomedical research related to developmental disorders.

Williams Dobyns
Not specified
This study is NOT accepting healthy volunteers
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Inclusion Criteria:

• All ages
• Individuals with a developmental disorder (mostly but not exclusively developmental brain disorders)
• Parents and other selected relatives of individuals with developmental disorders
Brain & Nervous System, Rare Diseases, Children's Health
Genetic disorders, developmental brain disorders, developmental disorders
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Neural and Behavioral Markers of the Temporal Dynamics of Language Planning and Phonological Working Memory Processes in Persons Who Stutter

This is a study of persons who do and do not stutter between ages 7 and 65 years. This study is trying to figure out how attention skills influence memory, language, and speech fluency skills.

Jayanthi Sasisekaran
Not specified
This study is also accepting healthy volunteers
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Inclusion Criteria:

• age 7 through 65 years
• remaining eligibility will be determined based on response to an intake survey
Children's Health, Community Health
adults, attention, fluency, language, memory, speech production, Stuttering, children
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National Pediatric Cardiology Quality Improvement Collaborative (NPC-QIC) - A Collaborative Initiative to Improve Care of Children with Complex Congenital Heart Disease (NPC-QIC)

This study is being sponsored by the National Pediatric Cardiology Quality Improvement Collaborative (NPC-QIC). We want to learn more about improving the treatment and outcomes for patients who have a diagnosis of a single ventricle, such as Hypoplastic Left Heart Syndrome (HLHS) or similar heart defects.

Kavisha Shah
Up to 18 years old
This study is NOT accepting healthy volunteers
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Inclusion Criteria:

• up to 15 months old
• newborns diagnosed with HLHS or other univentricular condition
• intended to undergo Norwood procedure
Children's Health, Heart & Vascular
Hypoplastic Left Heart Syndrome (HLHS)
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Targeting Family Meal Quality and Quantity to Reduce Childhood Obesity Using Ecological Momentary Intervention (EMI) and Video Feedback

The proposed study is an individual three-arm randomized controlled tiled aimed at utilizing state-of-the-art intervention methods to examine whether increasing the quality and the quantity of family meals reduces childhood obesity.

Jerica Berge
Up to 18 years old
This study is also accepting healthy volunteers
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Inclusion Criteria:

• Child 5-10 years old
• Have a sibling who lives in the home with the child
• Live in the Metro area
• Speaks English or Spanish
Prevention & Wellness, Children's Health
family, family meals, nutrition, primary care
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Biologic Abatement and Capturing Kids Outcomes and Flare Frequency in Juvenile Spondyloarthritis (BACK OFF JSpA) (BACK-OFF JSpA)

This study is enrolling participants who have been diagnosed with juvenile spondyloarthritis, are taking a tumor necrosis factor inhibitor (TNFi) and have reached a clinically inactive disease state for a minimum of six months. Researchers want to know if children who have maintained inactive disease for at least 6 months can maintain quiet disease without taking their medication as frequently or stop the TNFi therapy. Quiet disease means that disease related symptoms are not active or being experienced in the patient. Researchers also want to know the safest method to bring patients off medication. If a flare does occur during therapy reduction, researchers want to find out whether they can predict when a flare is most likely to happen, and how quickly an inactive disease state can be recaptured.

Colleen Correll
Not specified
This study is NOT accepting healthy volunteers
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Inclusion Criteria:

• age 8 to 21 years
• juvenile SpA diagnosis symptom with symptoms starting before their 16th birthday
• currently taking one of the following therapies (Adalimumab, Certolizumab, Etanercept, Golimumab, Infliximab) at standard doses
• have reached a clinically inactive state for at least 6 months
• English speaking or Spanish speaking
• willing to taper off medications
Exclusion Criteria:

• History of inflammatory bowel disease or history of uveitis
• psoriasis that started before TNFi therapy or psoriasis that started after TNFi therapy and has required more than topical therapy for control
Arthritis & Rheumatic Diseases, Children's Health, Rare Diseases
arthritis, Juvenile Spondyloarthritis
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Cortical Inhibitory Biomarkers of Acute Suicidal States in Adolescents

Risk for suicidal behavior in young people may include particular types of brain functions. The goal of this research is to learn more about the biology of the brain as it relates to suicidal thoughts and behaviors.

Charles Lewis
Up to 18 years old
This study is also accepting healthy volunteers
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Inclusion Criteria:

• ages 13-21
• current diagnosis of depression
• prior history of either thoughts about suicide, or suicidal behaviors (a suicide attempt or a planned attempt that was stopped before it began)
• must be able to communicate verbally and in writing in English
• parental permission is needed for participants aged 17 or younger
• must have reliable internet connection
Healthy volunteers
also needed
Exclusion Criteria:

• Active substance use in the past month
• Neurological disorders such as seizures, head injury
Children's Health, Mental Health & Addiction
Depression, Suicide, Adolescent
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Neurofeedback and Neural Plasticity of Self-Processing and Affect Regulation Circuits in Suicide Attempting Adolescents

The purpose of this study is to examine a new, experimental treatment for adolescents at risk for suicide attempts called neurofeedback training. In neurofeedback training, you are trying to control your brain function on purpose. In this study, your child will see their brain activity (displayed like a thermometer). He/she will recall positive memories to try to change the levels of their brain activity shown on the visual thermometer inside a scanner.

Karina Quevedo
Up to 18 years old
This study is NOT accepting healthy volunteers
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Inclusion Criteria:

• any gender identity
• 11-17 years old
• past suicide attempt and/or current suicide ideation
Exclusion Criteria:

• Autism Spectrum Disorder
• Cognitive Developmental Delay (IQ < 75 i.e.intellectual disability)
• diagnosis of Schizophrenia
Brain & Nervous System, Children's Health, Mental Health & Addiction
adolescents, mental health, self-harm, suicidal, suicide attempt, suicide ideation, teen brain train
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Surgical Timing and Rehabilitation for Multiple Ligament Knee Injuries: A Multicenter Integrated Clinical Trial (Protocol # PRO16090503)

This study is being conducted to determine when is the best time to do surgery is and when to start rehabilitation after surgery for the treatment of a multiple ligament knee injury. The study will randomize (i.e. a coin toss) when you have surgery and when you begin rehabilitation (early or delayed surgery and early or delayed rehabilitation). The type of surgery is decided between you and your surgeon. Rehabilitation is tailored to the type of surgery you have. You will fill out some questionnaires and have your knee examined at your normal postsurgery appointments with your surgeon.

Jeffrey Macalena
Not specified
This study is NOT accepting healthy volunteers
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Inclusion Criteria:

• Ages 16-55
• Has a multiple ligament knee injury (MLKI is defined as a complete grade III injury of two or more ligaments)
Exclusion Criteria:

• Prior knee ligament surgery of the involved knee
• Torn or avulsed patellar or quadriceps tendon
• Periarticular or long bone fracture that is anticipated to preclude weight-bearing after surgery
• Require use of an external fixator for greater than 10 days
• Planned staged surgical treatment
• Unable to weight bear on the contralateral uninjured leg
• Traumatic brain injury (TBI) that limits their ability to participate in their post-operative care
• Surgical procedures that precludes early weight-bearing or range of motion
Bone, Joint & Muscle, Children's Health
Knee injury, Clinics and Surgery Center (CSC)
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A person-centered employment preparation program for adolescents and young adults with autism spectrum disorder and their families

This study includes the development and evaluation of a person-centered employment preparation program for families of transition-aged youth with autism.

Rebekah Hudock
Not specified
This study is NOT accepting healthy volunteers
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Inclusion Criteria:

• between the ages of 15-25
• have a medical diagnosis of Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) or educational eligibility for special education services under the category of autism
• verbally fluent (can speak in complete sentences and have basic conversation) and speak and understand English
• have access to WiFi and two devices with webcams
• at least one caregiver are able to commit to attending 8 90-minute virtual intervention sessions
Exclusion Criteria:

• do not live in MN
• medical, behavioral, or mental health concerns that make it too difficult to participate in the study or that necessitates a higher level of care
Children's Health, Mental Health & Addiction
ASD, Autism, Autism Spectrum Disorder
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Focus in NeuroDevelopment (FIND) Network: A Statewide Network for Research in Neurodevelopment

The purpose of this research project is to develop a registry and database of families with neurodevelopmental disorders.

Amy Esler
Not specified
This study is also accepting healthy volunteers
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Inclusion Criteria:

• All ages
• All individuals with disabilities and families within the neurodevelopmental disorder community
• Also looking for clinicians, educators, and professionals in the field
Children's Health, Mental Health & Addiction
autism, OCD, ADHD, tic disorders, neurodevelopment, community outreach
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