
Brain Training for Substance Use Disorders


Participants play games designed to train visual attention towards natural, non-drug-related scenarios. A biofeedback loop between gameplay and an electroencephalogram (EEG) system monitors game performance and guides game difficulty.

I'm interested

Male or Female
18 years and over
This study is also accepting healthy volunteers
Inclusion Criteria:

• 18 to 65 years of age
• admitted to Fairview's Lodging Plus program for chemical dependency treatment with opioid use being the primary reason
• able to read at a minimum of a 6th grade reading level
• willing to provide own contact information for follow-up visit(s)
• for HEALTHY CONTROLS: 18 to 65 years old, able to read at a minimum of a 6th grade reading level, and willing to provide own contact information for follow-up visit(s)
Exclusion Criteria:

• pregnancy
• history of serious neurological illness (e.g., Chronic seizure disorder, Wernicke-Korsakoff Syndrome, Epilepsy, Any history of seizures)
• unable to see text and photos clearly on a computer display
• current or previous problems using opioids, other prescription (prescribed or not prescribed) or illicit drugs
• regular nicotine user (e.g., cigarette smoker, e-cig user) within the past 12 months and
• unwillingness to change hairstyle (e.g., braids, pony tails, dreadlocks) or remove wig to accommodate application of the EEG headset, if necessary

Device: Bias Modification Biofeedback

Brain & Nervous System, Mental Health & Addiction

biofeedback, brain games, brain training, neurofeedback, noninvasive eeg, substance use, wearables

Scott Burwell -
Justin Anker
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