Impact of a full-mouth electronic toothbrush on indicators of gingivitis and patient perceptions: A randomized clinical trial

The purpose of this trial is to investigate a full-mouth electronic toothbrush (FMET) and foam system compared to a conventional electronic toothbrush (ETB) and dentifrice during a 30-day period to evaluate the impact on clinical indicators of gingivitis, plaque, safety, and patient perceptions.
Male or Female
18 years and over
Inclusion Criteria:
• diagnosis of mild to moderate gingivitis
• minimum of five natural teeth in each quarter of the mouth
• willing to stop all professional oral hygiene care
• willing to stop use of any other dental cleaning aids (dental floss, water flossers, interdental brushes, dental or tooth picks, mouthwash, etc.)
• access to personal email account and a device connected to the internet
Exclusion Criteria:
• aggressive, necrotizing, uncommon periodontal disease, or any uncontrolled periodontal condition
• unable to independently brush teeth
• fixed prosthesis (i.e. implant retained denture), orthodontic appliance or under orthodontic treatment
• pregnant, planning to become pregnant, or unsure of pregnancy status
• use of cigarettes within the last year
Rare Diseases, Dentistry
Feno Smartbrush, teeth, tooth brush, dental hygiene, gingivitis
Michelle Arnett - marnett@umn.edu
Michelle Arnett