
We will examine whether the benefits of brain stimulation on mental functioning can be enhanced if an individual is actively engaging the target brain networks while receiving brain stimulation. The study includes two separate sessions and people will complete either a cognitive task or a perceptual task while we are measuring the change in brain function with EEG. Please fill out the linked screening questionnaire to determine if you are eligible.
Male or Female
18 years and over
Inclusion Criteria:
• age 18 to 65
Exclusion Criteria:
• diagnosed with a psychiatric disorder
• potential contraindications to EEG (e.g. visible scalp abrasions, non-removable hair extensions and/or hair styling that would impede proper EEG recording)
• potential contraindication to TMS (as identified by the TMS safety screener)
• any previous adverse reaction to TMS or MRI
• diagnosed with epilepsy or previously experienced a seizure
• diagnosed with a neurological condition, such as stroke or tinnitus
• experienced a head trauma that was diagnosed as concussion
• current use of, or recent withdrawal from, medications that can increase the risk of seizure
• currently pregnant
• any metal in the head (excluding mouth) or have an implanted medical device
Mental Health & Addiction
cognition, EEG, rTMS
Aaron McInnes - mcinn125@umn.edu
Alik Widge