The women with inflammatory Bowel Disease and Motherhood: A Prospective Registry

This is a prospective questionnaire study that will examine the impact of IBD and its surgical treatments on fertility in women with IBD of reproductive age (18-45). Women with IBD who are attempting to get pregnant within the next year will answer questionnaires about their general, surgical and reproductive health, conception history and sexual partner information. This will help identify risk factors predictive of fertility outcomes and early fetal loss, determine time to conception, and assess efficacy of fertility services including in vitro fertilization.
18 years and over
Inclusion Criteria:
• age 18-45 years
• diagnosis of inflammatory bowel disease (IBD)
• not currently pregnant or trying to get pregnant
• desire to become pregnant within the next 12 months (may become pregnant while in the study)
Exclusion Criteria:
• prior pelvic surgery, including surgery of the cervix, ovary, uterus or fallopian tubes
• known female sterility
• known male infertility factors in partner
Digestive & Liver Health, Women's Health
Fertility, IBD, Inflammatory Bowel Disease
Beiqing Wu - wu000948@umn.edu
Eugenia Shmidt