Fully Automated Motion-corrected MR Spectroscopy in Human Brain and Spinal Cord

The goal of this proposal is to develop fully automated, high performance, motion-corrected MRS sequences for the brain and spinal cord, that are also easy to share (no additional external hardware needed) with other institutions and easy to use.
Male or Female
Up to 18 years old
Inclusion Criteria:
We are looking for healthy children volunteers who are: Do not have a history of neurological disorder (stroke, brain, or C-spine injury, etc., and are 6 years of age or older at time of screening.
Exclusion Criteria:
• Participants who cannot have an MRI, as determined by the CMRR safety screening form (e.g. metal implant)
• Pregnancy
• Claustrophobia
• Inability or unwillingness to complete an MRI because of low cognitive function or behavioral dysregulation
• Diabetes that has been diagnosed within the past 3 months (diabetes is OK if it is stably controlled (per participant report of either HbA1c <7.0 or stable control for at least 3 months))
• Hearing loss sufficient to prevent communication via telephone
• Weight > 250 and BMI > 35.
• Uncontrolled high blood pressure (>170/100) or working with doctor to stabilize blood pressure
• Severe lung, liver, kidney or heart disease of other major organ failure.
• Head size > 23.25 inches
Brain & Nervous System
Monica Bondy - bondy023@umn.edu
Dinesh Deelchand