Use of Continuous Wave Doppler to assess Vascular Malformations in Pediatric Dermatology

The aim of our study is to look at blood flow in various tumors and irregularities located in blood vessels using a handheld continuous wave doppler. Correct and efficient diagnosis of vascular anomalies (outside of what is expected to happen in blood vessels) in pediatric patients will help determine a treatment plan. Blood flow in vascular anomalies has not been well described in the past.
Male or Female
Not specified
Inclusion Criteria:
• less than 21 years old
• have a vascular anomaly such as Arteriovenous malformations (AVM), Capillary malformations (CM), Venous malformations (VM), Lymphatic malformations (LM), Pyogenic granuloma (PG), Infantile hemangioma (IH), or Congenital hemangioma (CH)
• being treated at University of MN pediatric dermatology outpatient clinic or the multidisciplinary vascular anomalies clinic
Exclusion Criteria:
• history of any prior surgical, radiologic, medications for treatment (including oral or topical beta blocking agents)
Dermatology (Skin, Hair & Nails)
Vascular Anomalies
Sheilagh Maguiness