
Diabetes RElated to Acute pancreatitis and its Mechanisms (DREAM)


The purpose of this research study is to find out how many people with acute pancreatitis develop diabetes. Risk factors for diabetes and the types of diabetes that occur after acute pancreatitis will also be studied. A small number of people who already had diabetes before their acute pancreatitis attack will be enrolled for comparison.

I'm interested

18 years and over
This study is NOT accepting healthy volunteers
Inclusion Criteria:

• diagnosis of acute pancreatitis no more than 90 days ago
Exclusion Criteria:

• definite diagnosis of chronic pancreatitis based on results of scans (study staff will review)
• pancreas tumors
• prior surgery on the pancreas
• pregnancy
• other significant health problems, study staff will review

Diabetes & Endocrine, Digestive & Liver Health

Diabetes, Pancreatitis, Pancreas

Melena Bellin -
Melena Bellin
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