COG ACNS1831 - A Phase 3 Randomized Study of Selumetinib (IND # 77782) versus Carboplatin/Vincristine in Newly Diagnosed or Previously Untreated Neurofibromatosis Type 1 (NF1) Associated Low-Grade Glioma (LGG)

This phase III trial studies if selumetinib works just as well as the standard treatment with carboplatin/vincristine (CV) for subjects with NF1-associated low grade glioma (LGG), and to see if selumetinib is better than CV in improving vision in subjects with LGG of the optic pathway (vision nerves).
Male or Female
Not specified
Inclusion Criteria:
• 2 to 21 years old
• neurofibromatosis type 1 (NF1) based on clinical criteria and/or germline genetic testing
• newly diagnosed or have previously diagnosed NF-1 associated LGG that has not been treated with any modality other than surgery
• patients must have the ability to swallow whole capsules
• patients must have receptive and expressive language skills in English or Spanish to complete the quality of life (QOL) and neurocognitive assessments
• see link to clinicaltrials.gov for complete inclusion and exclusion criteria
Exclusion Criteria:
• patients must not have received any prior tumor-directed therapy including chemotherapy, radiation therapy, immunotherapy, or bone marrow transplant
• women who are pregnant or breast feeding
• patients who have an uncontrolled infection
Cancer, Cancer
LGG, Low Grade Glioma, Neurofibromatosis
Allison Fullenkamp - fulle631@umn.edu
Christopher Moertel, MD
See this study on ClinicalTrials.gov