
Safety and Acceptability of Patient -administered Sedation During Mechanical Ventilation


This study is comparing the benefits and adverse effects of two delivery methods to help patients relax and decrease anxiety during his/her time on mechanical ventilation. This study is not examining the medication but rather the process of how the patient receives the sedation medication: patient controlled or usual care.

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Male or Female
18 years and over
This study is NOT accepting healthy volunteers
Inclusion Criteria:

• receiving mechanical ventilation (ventilator) in the Intensive Care Unit
• receiving medication for sedation or pain
Exclusion Criteria:

• prone (facing down) ventilation being used
• low blood pressure that is being treated with medication
• unstable medical condition (staff will review)

Drug: Dexmedetomidine

Brain & Nervous System, Respiratory System

ICU, Intensive Care Unit, Pain, Ventilator

Craig Weinert -
Craig Weinert
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